Sunday, April 18, 2010

The gene pool from whence we came.

Parents are a funny. Specifically dads. I have a particularly funny dad, his name is Chuck, but he has been dubbed Chuckles the Happy Clown by my sister, sometimes it's fitting sometimes it's just disturbing. I really love my dad, I think most of you (and by that I mean all three of you) know that I talk to my dad everyday, but there are times with my dad that I just shake my head and think to myself I can't believe half of my genes came from him.

So Chuckles came to town today for a visit, we had a family friend in town and we all got together for lunch. As soon as he got to the door it begins, he can't sit still when he visits so he starts pacing around the living room while I am sitting on the couch reading the paper. Then he says let's go outside so we do. Then he starts wandering around the house and the list starts. You need to fertilize the yard, you need to get this vent fixed, you need to prune this tree, you need to ________. All of which costs money. And I know he's trying to helpful, which I appreciate but can't we just sit and visit, I don't do this at your house.

Then we get the call that our friend is going to be later than we thought so we go back inside. Dad starts going through the boxes of crackers and bags of chips on top of the micorwave. The following conversation ensues:

Me: Dad, what are you doing?
Dad: Looking for something to munch on I'm hungry, and none of these are open
Me: Just pick something and open it, it's not that big of a deal.
Dad: No then it will go stale and I will have wasted your food.

At this point I am thinking, hi have we met, food does not go stale in this house. Eventually he found an open bag of potato chips that seemed good enough, and of course met the criteria of being opened.

Ladies and gentleman I have a conversation like this at least once a week if not three or four times a week and end up shaking my head thinking "Wooooow".

Now for as funny/weird as my dad can been I feel as though I should end this post on a nicer note about him. For years my sister and I have gotten flowers from him on Valentine's day and a chocolate bunny for Easter. This year it did not happen, which was a little sad but nothing that was such a big deal I felt the need to say anything to him. My sister on the other hand felt differently and was giving him grief over Easter about it. So today when he showed up he came in the house with one dozen red roses and three chocolate bunnies for each of us, and true to form announces "You know this stuff is a lot cheaper if you wait till after the holiday to buy it." See he really is a sweet guy.

Love you Dad.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The house knows.

Back in September I bought a cute little house on the north west side of Des Moines. When I bought the house it was in great condition. . .a few littl things here and there that could be worked on but nothing major and nothing that had to be done right away. I had made plans to do some painting and replace the stove some other odds and ends and I was able to save up some money.

Since September life has been bubbling along no problem and then something interesting happened. Back in February once I received all of my W-2's and other tax forms I bought myself a copy of Turbotax (being the do it yourselfer that I am) completed my taxes. I mailed everything to IRS including proof that I had purchased a house and was eligible for the home buyers tax credit. Once that was accomplished I sat back and began the wait for my fat check to arrive.

I am still waiting for that check but in the 6 weeks since I mailed everything in things have started to go haywire. It started on evening when I was warming something up for dinner. I heard the microwave quit and was surprised because it did not seem as though enough time had elapsed for it to be finished. Upon checking on the microwave I realized that the microwave had died, just died no warning nothing, just dead. For those of you who don't know my microwave is attached to the stove one of those late 80's early 90's units so I can't just get a new microwave gotta replace the whole thing. Great.

Fast foward a couple of weeks, the snow starts melting and I discover that all but three of the window well covers outside are broken. Then one rainy morning I was in the basement getting clothes out of the dryer and just happened to check on the sump pump to discover that it was about to overflow. . .there was 400 dollars and an emergency visit from the plumber.

Now this weekend the kitchen sink is starting to have trouble. The other night I was running the dishwasher and doing some dishes in the sink when all of the sudden water starts bubbling out of the other side of the sink. I ran the garbage disposal think that would clear up the problem, instead the other side of the sink turned into a fountain with water spouting from the drain. Guess the plumber is getting another call.

Why am I telling you this you ask. Because I have come to one conclusion and I want it to serve as a warning to everyone else. The house knows, the house knows that I am expecting a fat check and has decided to make sure that there is none of it left when it finally arrives. Now in all fairness the house did wait until the check was coming before it started breaking down. But still I am warning you all. . .if you own your home. . .it knows more than you think.

Peer pressure is an interesting thing.

You may be out there wondering why I have a blog. Interestingly enough I am asking myself the same question. The plain and simple answer is that I have a blog because a friend of mine insisted that I start one after doing a guest blog for her. She thinks I am funny. . .I guess we will find out what other people think now too.

As I sit here and wonder what to write about, or what to make my blog about I don't feel that I have anything special to say, at least not in a public forum. I am just a family therapist in my mid twenties who gets to work with an interesting array of people giving me a very unique and special view of the world from my job.

Speaking of special, my friend (the one I mentioned before who is responsible for this blog even being in existence) tells me I am special all the time. . .but now that I think about by the inflection in her voice I don't think it is intended to be a good thing. I should really ask her about that sometimes. Anyway bring her up again to say that we often have interesting and eventful conversations, also giving me a unique and special view of the world.

Anyway I am sure this blog will be a compilation of random thoughts on random topics, and hopefully presented in a humorous way, based on my very unique and special view of the world. Trust me we will be finding out together where this blog is headed.

Peace out for now.